Is Your VOTE Safe?
Many experts agree, NJ needs new voting machines, and many voters continue to turn to Vote by Mail ballots to ensure their vote is accurately counted. Here in Monmouth County, when our Superintendent of Elections, Mary C. DeSarno, was asked about what was being done or if there are plans to purchase new, paper-verified voting machines like in Union and Warren Counties, she responded that the County is thinking about this, watching how other counties are progressing, and looking into state certified machines as well as funding for these costly machine.
What can we do to help?
First, become informed. Below are a couple articles to get you started. Next, consider signing up to Vote by Mail. Thanks!
“The sanctity of our elections is a fundamental tenet of our way of life that must be protected and upheld. Taking shortcuts on this process, and maintaining the status quo, aren’t good reasons to stick with a voting model that is clearly outdated.”
“Nearly all of New Jersey's 11,000 voting machines are vulnerable to election hacking that could change the outcome of elections across the state, but that is not the worst part of the nightmare scenario feared by security experts.”